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Digital Freedom Now.

Swarm is a decentralised data storage and distribution technology. Ready to power the next generation of censorship-resistant, unstoppable, serverless dapps.
“If Ethereum is the world’s CPU, Swarm is the world’s Hard Drive” - Viktor Tron
Privacy for individuals ↔ Trust for the data economy

Unstoppable data

Swarm continues where the blockchain ends, making the world computer real.
Open & Borderless
Swarm is open source code, limited only by the people who use and maintain it - Join a community building the future of the web.
Redundant storage with local replication ensures data availability even in the face of node dropouts or data loss.
No downtime
Swarm is decentralised and distributed, and so it’s also always up, making it stable and reliable.
Privacy first
Swarm nodes provide cryptographic support enabling you to use network in an unrestricted way while building blocks like “Single-owner-chunks” enable extraordinary zero-leak privacy.
DDOS resistant
Swarm network is fully decentralised peer-to-peer network while it’s resilience against DDoS grows with every additional node in the network.
Credible neutrality
Swarm is built to not discriminate - it’s in the very nature of our design, and permeates throughout our mission.
Sustainable Development Goals

Odyssey Data Upload

The Swarm Foundation aims to empower non-profits to store their data securely and censorship-resistant. Swarm will subsidize data uploads from selected projects to incentivise public goods and advance the Great Data Upload.
Odyssey Graphic
Real-world ready

Develop fast and free

Swarm provides a complete stack of essential base layer components for developers. Create and host dApps, NFT meta-data, and media files decentralised!
Bee is a peer-to-peer client that connects you with other peers all over the world to become part of Swarm network, a global distributed p2p storage network that aims to store and distribute all of the world's data.
1 Welcome to Swarm.... Bzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz
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13                    !
Decentralise web

Your decentralised web3 dapp in 4 steps

1. Fork on GitHub
Find a forkable project that should be decentralised or extended.
2. Connect to FDP
Extend it with the Fair data protocol so that users have their data saved in their private data store.
3. Upload to Swarm
Once hosted on Swarm it becomes accessible to all, with essentially zero hosting costs for developers.
4. Grow through FDP
Submit requests to be added in Fairdrive’s dapp store and make it available to existing Fairdrive users.
Interoperability and data sovereignty

Fair Data Protocol

Fair data protocol enables a fairer data economy that promotes human rights through privacy, digital sovereignty, and data interoperability, and allows developers to focus on building their dapps rather than reinventing data stores.
→ filesystem on Swarm
→ key-value store
→ db doc
→ works in browser (WASM)
→ data wallet for end users
→ customise easily (white label)
→ GDPR support
→ fast development
FairDataSociety Graphic
One Swarm, united in PLUR, guided by virtue

Build on Swarm

Swarm grants and online events support many interesting projects that are already building their products on top of Swarm.
Etherna is a transparent video platform FOR EVERYONE where freedom of speech is incentivized, not convicted.
Dapplets aims to leverage target websites’ search results to pull data previously uploaded to Swarm, providing an interface for data interchange between the Dapplet and the search result provider.
Copyright Delta
Copyright Delta is building the Digital Rights Exchange & Network (DRX) which allows users to control their data and decide who has access to it. DRX also enables tokenised management of royalties, licensing and ownership.
Metaprovide has implemented a Nextcloud plugin that enables users to interact with Swarm storage directly in Nextcloud Files bringing Nextcloud users closer to the vision of a decentralized future.
Build on Swarm
Imagine a society where human rights are respected and your data is not used against you to influence what you think.Explore the power of art, blockchain, and games and help create a fair, ethical, private, censorship-free, permissionless and unstoppable Web3. Join other like-minded artists, gamers, developers, activists, and crypto-enthusiasts, as well as curious and knowledgeable souls.
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Moving from knowledge to engagement

Bounties for impact

Swarm Bounties are a call to action for experts from various fields to contribute their knowledge and expertise, so we can move closer to a fairer data society.
Bounty #1
Implement A DApp Using Blossom Extension And Fdp-Storage
Bounty #2
PDF Viewer Dapp For Fairdrive, Using Blossom To Access Fdp-Storage
Bounty #3
Integrate WinAMP With Fairdrive
Swarm Foundation, 2023 · Privacy policy
Hosted on Swarm