Run a full node

The Swarm Network is economically self-sustaining due to a built-in incentive system built on smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Swarm incentives are enabled by the BZZ token.

Incentivised P2P Storage

Swarm uses the blockchain to provide a layer of incentivisation that has been missing from p2p file sharing and data transfer over decades of peer-to-peer research. Built-in incentives seek to optimise the allocation of bandwidth (SWAP) and storage resources (Postage stamps) and render Swarm economically self-sustaining. Swarm nodes track their relative bandwidth contribution on each peer connection, and excess debt due to unequal consumption can be settled in BZZ. Publishers in Swarm must spend BZZ to purchase the right to write data to Swarm and prepay some rent for long term storage.
Empower digital freedom
By running a full Swarm node you are actively enabling a P2P data storage network that enables publishers and dapp developers making web3 decentralised.
Public Interest
Swarm establishes a system where important public data projects, such as Open Street Maps, can be collectively funded. Check out Wikipedia prize.
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