We are Swarm

The Swarm Foundation (SF) is a non-profit organization established in 2021, based in Switzerland.

About Swarm Foundation

The goal of the foundation is to support and contribute to the creation of a technology whose code will be open to all and will allow the storage and exchange of computer data in a decentralised manner. To this end, the foundation intends in particular to promote and support a community and a sustainable and independent ecosystem for the development of free open source software (FLOSS), allowing for digital services coordinated by crypto-economic incentives that process, distribute and store data. Our mission is to empower digital freedom by promoting the development and maintenance of the Swarm network, the base layer of the emerging fair data economy, and the community surrounding this network. We do so by supporting many different initiatives, either through financial grants or other types of support, all of which is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Swarm Foundation is complemented with a sister entity, the Swarm Association, to support the Swarm community, educate the public about decentralised technology, its appropriate uses, and to keep the technology neutral.

Ethical Standards

We must recognise that we have no control over how the Swarm ecosystem evolves. As an open project, we can't decide who uses this technology and for what. However, our moral responsibility as developers of an unstoppable technology is to do our best to steer the ecosystem in an ethical direction and not repeat the mistakes of the Internet Society. We work on our good character, we empower others, and we lead by example. We can't control the actions of others, and we don't want to; such control is an illusion. We act in a way that is guided by virtue and by values including wisdom, justice, courage and temperance. We do believe that it is important for any organization to apply external ethical standards. For this reason, **the Swarm Foundation has additionally subscribed to the principles of the Fair Data Society** ([principles.fairdatasociety.org](https://principles.fairdatasociety.org)). By living and endorsing these ethical guidelines, the Swarm Foundation is taking a leadership role for a goal bigger than oneself – for a fair data society. Given the growing importance of data ethics, we believe other projects will follow and join our efforts.

Foundation Board

Viktor Tron, President of the Swarm Foundation Daniel Nagy, Vice-president of the Swarm Foundation Gregor Žavcer, Director of the Swarm Foundation Fatemeh Fannizadeh, Member of the Board Edina Lovas, Member of the Board Alexis Roussel, Member of the Board Attila Gazso, Member of the Board

Connect with the Foundation

Email: [info@swarm.foundation](mailto:info@swarm.foundation) Address: Swarm Foundation Place Numa-Droz 2 2000 Neuchâtel Switzerland UID Registration number: CHE-190.844.260, Canton of Neuchâtel
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